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Blog History

I built my website in 2019, so that I could have a creative outlet. I wrote about whatever I wanted whenever I wanted. To this day, I continue to post whatever I want on my blog.

Over time, I began to spruce up my website. I enjoyed sharing media online in a format that was comfortable for me. I liked that I could stylize, arrange, and display images in different layouts, and convey ideas through the exact outline and structure I wanted.

You can learn more about the history and audience of my blog in What’s Next?: The Story of My Website.


Full body portrait of Olivia Gallucci. Used on Author block. The Author block is located on the blog and press pages.

My name is Olivia, and I am an offensive security engineer, open source software contributor, and freedom advocate. Additionally, I am a student at the Rochester Institute of Technology, double-majoring in Cybersecurity and Computer Science.

I write about security, open source software, and professional development.

In my spare time, I attend political debate clubs, sail competitively, and participate in cybersecurity competitions. I also enjoy reading reference and advice books, dystopian novels, and biographies of famous computer nerds.